Featured Publication

Generations of genomes: advances in paleogenomics technology and engagement for Indigenous people of the Americas

Krystal S Tsosie, Rene L Begay, Keolu Fox, Nanibaa’ A Garrison

Current Opinion in Genetics and Development. 62:91-96. June 2020.

Community partnerships are fundamental to ethical ancient DNA research

Emma Kowal, Laura S Weyrich, Juan Manuel Argüelles, Alyssa C Bader, Chip Colwell, Amanda Daniela Cortez, Jenny L Davis, Gonzalo Figueiro, Keolu Fox, Ripan S Malhi, Elizabeth Matisoo-Smith, Ayushi Nayak, Elizabeth A Nelson, George Nicholas, Maria A Nieves-Colón, Lynette Russell, Sean Ulm, Francisco Vergara-Silva, Fernando A Villanea, Jennifer K Wagner, Joseph M Yracheta, Krystal S Tsosie

HGG Advances. 11;4(2):199161. January 2023. 

We Have "Gifted" Enough: Indigenous Genomic Data Sovereignty in Precision Medicine

Krystal S Tsosie, Joseph M Yracheta, Jessica A Kolopenuk, Janis Geary

The American Journal of Bioethics: AJOB. 21(4): 72-75. April 2021. 

Considering "Respect for Sovereignty" Beyond the Belmont Report and the Common Rule: Ethical and Legal Implications for American Indian and Alaska Native Peoples

Krystal S Tsosie, Katrina G Claw, Nanibaa’ A Garrison

The American Journal of Bioethics: AJOB. 21(10):27-30. October 2021.

Empowering Equitable Data Use Partnerships and Indigenous Data Sovereignties Amid Pandemic Genomics

Rodney C Haring, Jessica W Blanchard, Josephine D Korchmarcos, Justin R Lund, Emily A Haozous, Josie Raphaelito, Maui Hudson, Krystal S Tsosie

Frontiers in Public Health. 11:9:742467. November 2021.

Indigenizing Science and Reasserting Indigeneity in Research

Krystal S Tsosie, Katrina G Claw

Human Biology. 91(3):137-140. July 9 2020.

Establishing a blockchain-enabled Indigenous data sovereignty framework for genomic data

Tim K Mackey, Alec J Calac, B S Chenna Keshava. Joseph Yracheta, Krystal S Tsosie, Keolu Fox

Cell. 185(15):2626-2631. July 21 2022.

Overvaluing individual consent ignores risks to tribal participants

Krystal S Tsosie, Joseph M Yracheta, Donna Dickenson

Nature reviews. Genetics. 20(9):497-498. September 2019. 

Federated learning and Indigenous genomic data sovereignty

Nima Boscarino, Reed A Cartwright, Keolu Fox, Krystal S Tsosie

Nature Machine Intelligence. 4(11):909-911. November 2022.

Indigenous data sovereignties and data sharing in biological anthropology

Krystal S Tsosie, Joseph M Yracheta, Jessica Kolopenuk, Rick W A Smith

American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 174(2):183-186. February 2021. 

Values and Practices to Strengthen Genetic Research Partnerships with Indigenous Communities

Wylie Burke, Julie A Beans, Mildred K Cho, Nanibaa’ A Garrison, Vanessa Hiratsuka, Scarlett Hopkins, Paul G Spicer, Krystal S Tsosie, Erica L Woodahl, Joseph M Yracheta, Kenneth Thummel; Participants in the Strengthening Partnerships Meeting

Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action. 16(4):583-592. 2022. 

Other Publications

The Illusion of Inclusion — The “All of Us” Research Program and       Indigenous Peoples’ DNA

Keolu Fox, Ph.D.

The New England Journal of Medicine. 383(5):411-413. July 30 2020.